
Курдские женщины призывают признать Автономную администрацию в Северо-Восточной Сирии

Женщины из Курдистана обратились к Дональду Трампу и Антониу Гутерришу с призывом признать Автономную администрацию северо-восточной Сирии и привлечь внимание к кризису на Ближнем Востоке, поддерживая мир и стабильность в регионе.

Более 500 курдских женщин, включая политиков, ученых и деятелей культуры, подписали открытое письмо с призывом признать Автономную администрацию северо-восточной Сирии. Обращение адресовано избранному президенту США Дональду Трампу и Генеральному секретарю ООН Антониу Гутерришу. Инициатором кампании выступила исследовательница из Южного Курдистана Нармин Осман.

Подписантки заявили:
«Курдский народ, насчитывающий около 50 миллионов человек, является одним из древнейших этносов Месопотамии. После подписания Лозаннского мирного соглашения в 1923 году Курдистан был разделен между четырьмя странами, что привело к отрицанию и преследованию курдов. Несмотря на это, наш народ продолжает бороться за свою идентичность, права и равенство, стремясь к мирному сосуществованию с другими народами. Результатом этой борьбы стало создание администрации Южного Курдистана в Ираке и Демократической автономной администрации в Сирии.

Однако эти достижения сталкиваются с угрозами со стороны националистических и радикальных исламистских группировок. Мы видели ужасы геноцида в Шенгале и нападения на Рожаву. Несмотря на это, курдский народ и его союзники продемонстрировали стойкость, оставив миру наследие солидарности и сопротивления.

Автономная администрация северо-восточной Сирии представляет собой модель прогрессивного самоуправления, демократических ценностей и равенства. Но отсутствие её международного признания создаёт угрозу для курдского народа и особенно для женщин, которых джихадистские группировки продолжают подвергать насилию и угнетению.

Мы призываем вас признать Автономную администрацию северо-восточной Сирии и обеспечить её безопасность. Признание этой администрации укрепит демократические процессы в регионе и защитит женщин от угроз геноцида».

Среди подписанток: Нармин Осман (исследовательница из Южного Курдистана), Геше Дара Хафид (депутат парламента Южного Курдистана), Назира Харис Абдулла (инженер) и другие.

  1. Nermin Osman - Academic, Researcher, Southern Kurdistan
  2. Geşe Dara Hefîd - Activist and Member of Parliament, South Kurdistan
  3. Nazira Haris Abdullah -  Civil Construction Engineer
  4. Dr.Delpak Tahir Darwish -  University Professor
  5. Kewestan Akram Faraj -  Employe of Halabja University
  6. Rezan Sheikh Diler - Lawyer- Former MP /South Kurdistan 
  7. Dr. Nazanin Othman - University Professor
  8. Parwin Aziz Saeed - Activist, Sulaymaniyah South Kurdistan
  9. Nishtiman Kemal - Official Responsible for Relations and the Political School of the Zehmetkeşan Party
  10. Bilîse Cebar Ferman – Member of the Leadership of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK)
  11. Kiner Abdulla – Writer and Former Member of the Provincial Council of Sulaymaniyah
  12. Kosret Ehmed – Writer
  13. Edîbe Salih - Teacher, Sulaymaniyah South Kurdistan
  14. Naz Ismaîl Kerîm - University Lecturer, Sulaymaniyah/ South Kurdistan
  15. Ronak Mecîd Fetah - Teacher, Sulaymaniyah/ South Kurdistan
  16. Sara Qadir Mihemed - University Lecturer, Sulaymaniyah
  17. Gezîze Omer Elî - Writer and Theater Director, Sulaymaniyah
  18. Xerman Hîranî - Theater Director, South Kurdistan
  19. Telar Hîranî - Theater Director, South Kurdistan
  20. Beyan Ehmed - Actor and Poet, South Kurdistan
  21. Nesrîn Hesen Hemê - Theater Director, South Kurdistan
  22. Hana Enwer - Teacher at the Institute of Arts and Culture, South Kurdistan
  23. Stare Arîf - Political Activist, South Kurdistan
  24. Roza Şêxanî - Filmmaker, South Kurdistan
  25. Awara Kurdê - Artist and Activist, South Kurdistan
  26. Şkuriye Salih Hisên - Housewife, Sulaymaniyah/ South Kurdistan
  27. Naliya Ibrahim - Political Activist, Sweden
  28. Sêvê Niheylî – Activist
  29. Bahar Eli- Lawyer and Feminist activist
  30. Aştî Hesen - Government Employee, Sweden
  31. Xerîbe Abdala - Artist, Britain
  32. Kalê Arat - Therapist, Germany
  33. Kajal Nûrî - Writer and Poet, Netherlands
  34. Razaû Seid - Activist
  35. Reşna Heme Salih - Teacher, Berlin
  36. Semîre Fethûlah – Healt Worker, Finland
  37. Naz Salih - Director, Canada
  38. Ronak Şiwanî - Writer, Sweden
  39. Bêrîvan Doskî – Diplomat,  South Kurdistan
  40. Ciwan Bekir Merûf - Journalist
  41. Mihabad Salih - Poet, Sweden
  42. Şehla Mihemed Ehmed - Women’s Rights Activist, Sulaymaniyah
  43. Ferîde Ehmed - Theater Director, Canada
  44. Evîn Hêriş - Activist, Scotland
  45. Sazkar Abdala Mehmûd
  46. Rûpak Mehmûd Ehmed
  47. Niyan Abdul Rahman Elî - Political Activist
  48. Viyan Necim Ibrahîm – Women’s Rights Activist
  49. Taban Heme Emîn – Teacher
  50. Şilêr Abdulrehman Mustefa – Political Activist
  51. Kelsum Mehmud Ahmed – Political Activist
  52. Perwa Elî – Former Member of the Kurdistan Parliament
  53. Zeynep Murad - co-chair KNK (Kurdistan National Congress)
  54. Şehla Hefid – Member of the Executive Council of the Kurdistan National Congress (KNK)
  55. Elham Ahmad - Co-chair of the Department of Foreign Relations of the Democratic Autonomous Administration of the North and East Syria Region.
  56. Foza Yousif – Member of the Executive Council of the Democratic Union Party (PYD)
  57. Newroz Uysal Aslan - Member of Parliament for DEM (North Kurdistan/Turkey)
  58. Çiğdem Kılıçgün Uçar - Co-chair of the Democratic Regions Party (DBP) and Member of Parliament
  59. Devrim Demir - Co-Mayor of Mardin Metropolitan Municipality (North Kurdistan/Turkey)
  60. Neslihan Şedal - Co-Mayor of Van Metropolitan Municipality (North Kurdistan/Turkey)
  61. Ayşe Serra Bucak Küçük - Co-Mayor of Amed (Diyarbakır) Metropolitan Municipality (North Kurdistan/Turkey)
  62. Halide Türkoğlu - Member of Parliament for DEM (North Kurdistan/Turkey)
  63. Gülistan Sönük - Co-Mayor of Batman Municipality (North Kurdistan/Turkey)
  64. Sebahat Tuncel - Former Co-Chair of DBP and HDK, Former MP of HDP, Activist of TJA
  65. Nursel Aydoğan - Two-term Member of Parliament for the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP)
  66. Ayşe Acar Başaran- Two-term Member of Parliament for the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP)
  67. Dilan Dirayet Taşdemir - Two-term Member of Parliament for the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP
  68. Çağlar Demirel - Former Member of Parliament for HDP
  69. Sibel yiğitalp - Two-term Member of Parliament for the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP)
  70. Pero Dundar - Two-term Member of Parliament for the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP)
  71. Sadet becerikli - Two-term Member of Parliament for the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP)
  72. Leyla Birlik - Two-term Member of Parliament for the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP)
  73. Fatma Kurtulan - Two-term Member of Parliament for the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP)
  74. Selma Irmak - Two-term Member of Parliament for the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP)
  75. Remziye Tosun - Two-term Member of Parliament for the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP)
  76. Besime Konca - Two-term Member of Parliament for the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP)
  77. Feleknaz Uca - Two-term Member of Parliament for the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP)
  78. Bedia Özgökçe - Two-term Member of Parliament for the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP)
  79. Dilek Öcalan- Two-term Member of Parliament for the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP)
  80. Tuba Hezer - Two-term Member of Parliament for the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP)
  81. Nuran İmir - Two-term Member of Parliament for the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP)
  82. Leyla İmren - Former HDP Co-Mayor of Cizre Municipality
  83. Cemile Eminoğlu - Former HDP Co-Mayor of Bismil Municipality
  84. Fatma Şık - Former HDP Co-Mayor of Sur Municipality in Amed
  85. Hacer Özdemir - Sociologist (North Kurdistan/Turkey)
  86. Berivan Bahçeci - Politician (North Kurdistan/Turkey)
  87. Gulan Çağın Kaleli - Lawyer (North Kurdistan/Turkey)
  88. Narin Gezgör - Kurdologist (Linguist) (North Kurdistan/Turkey)
  89. Berivan Helen Işık - Social Worker (North Kurdistan/Turkey)
  90. Elvan Koçer - Theater Actress (North Kurdistan/Turkey)
  91. Kibar Suvarî - Photographer (North Kurdistan/Turkey)
  92. Sidar Aslan - Art Director (North Kurdistan/Turkey)
  93. Evin Tiryaki - Musician (North Kurdistan/Turkey)
  94. Zeycan Ateş - Actress (North Kurdistan/Turkey)
  95. Saliha Ayata - Writer (North Kurdistan/Turkey)
  96. Berfin Emektar - Actress (North Kurdistan/Turkey)
  97. Rojhilat Aksoy - Filmmaker (North Kurdistan/Turkey)
  98. Şilan Alagöz - Actress (North Kurdistan/Turkey)
  99. Neşe Toprak - Painter (North Kurdistan/Turkey)
  100. Rêzan Kaya - Actress (North Kurdistan/Turkey)
  101. Lisa Çalan - Filmmaker (North Kurdistan/Turkey)
  102. Delal Al-Hashemi - Women’s Committee of the Democratic Green Party
  103. Abir Hasaf – Activist
  104. Hayfa Mahmud - Co-Chair of the Modern and Democratic Party for Syria
  105. Mizgin Zedan - Co-Chair of the Party of Change
  106. Perwin Yusif – Co-Chair of Democratic Union Party (PYD)
  107. Rehan Loqo – Co-Chair Spokeswoman of Kongra Star
  108. Reşa Ebas - Co-Chair of the Democratic Green Party
  109. Ruken Ahmed – Member of the Kongra Star Relations Committee
  110. Sherin Abbas - Relations Committee of the Democratic Green Party
  111. Nurshan Hussein - Co- Chair of the Diplomacy Council of North and East Syria
  112. Xtam Ahmed – Co-Chairman of the Democratic Kurdish Party of Syria
  113. Mizgîn Gereşt – Member of the Democratic Kurdish Party of Syria
  114. Rojîn Mela Şehmo - Member of the Democratic Kurdish Party of Syria
  115. Mizgîn Muhemed - Member of the Democratic Kurdish Party of Syria
  116. Leyla Berazî - Member of the Democratic Kurdish Party of Syria
  117. Buşra Qesem - Member of the Democratic Kurdish Party of Syria
  118. Leyla Nesir - Member of the Democratic Kurdish Party of Syria
  119. Hêlîn Ciwan - Member of the Democratic Kurdish Party of Syria
  120. Eliya Rudwam - Member of the Democratic Kurdish Party of Syria
  121. Merî Meroan - Member of the Democratic Kurdish Party of Syria
  122. Nedra Alî - Member of the Democratic Kurdish Party of Syria
  123. Kewkeb Mustefa - Member of the Democratic Kurdish Party of Syria
  124. Rekîna Silar - Member of the Democratic Kurdish Party of Syria
  125. Sûzan Cereb - Member of the Democratic Kurdish Party of Syria
  126. Fitma Zekerî - Member of the Democratic Kurdish Party of Syria
  127. Songul Şukrî - Member of the Democratic Kurdish Party of Syria
  128. Viyan Şukran - Member of the Democratic Kurdish Party of Syria
  129. Emîna Bozan - Member of the Democratic Kurdish Party of Syria
  130. Proya Husên - Member of the Democratic Kurdish Party of Syria
  131. Hevi Mustafa - Deputy Co-Chair of the Kurdish National Council KNK of West Kurdistan
  132. Taz Pasha - Rojava TV Relations Office
  133. Evin Qafur - Member of the Political Bureau of the Kurdistan Peace and Democracy Party
  134. Newroz Sileman - Co-chair of TevÇand and artist
  135. Mufide Muhammad Filik Hamdi - Artist
  136. Zeyneb Muhammad Ali Mansour – Artist
  137. Sumeya Ahmed Muhemed – Artist
  138. Yasemin Muhemed Koshan – Artist
  139. Yara Ebd Alqadir Hisiko – Painter
  140. Osi Media - General Directorate of Industry of the Canton of Cezir
  141. Ariya Muhemed Asim Mela Ahmed - Member of the Democratic Kurdish Party of Syria
  142. Berivan Khelil Shekhmos – Artist
  143. Berivan Osman Hesen - Member of the General Assembly of the Syrian Democratic Council
  144. Berivan Ibrahim - Teacher
  145. Nesrin Mihemed – Artist
  146. Lava Malla Selman – Journalist
  147. Leyla Ahmed - Member of the General Assembly of the Democratic Union Party (PYD
  148. Dona Jaalouk – Lawyer (Lebanon)
  149. Gulistan Mihemed – Activist (Lebanon)
  150. Ismet Mihyo – Writer (Lebanon)
  151. Zozan Hesen – Journalist (Lebanon)
  152. Zozan Zeyto - English Language Teacher (Lebanon)
  153. Hanan Osman - Former Candidate for the Lebanese Parliament (Lebanon)
  154. Silvana Mshik – Activist (Lebanon)
  155. Hevi Saado - Children’s Teacher (Lebanon)
  156. Faten Azad Ahmed - Activist for NGO Organizations (Lebanon)
  157. Doza Mihemed – Activist (Lebanon)
  158. Zeyneb Mshik – Engineer (Lebanon)
  159. Abir Nassar - School Teacher (Lebanon)
  160. Rim Mshik – Doctor (Lebanon)
  161. Hayat Matto – Activist (Lebanon)
  162. Nisrin Birro - Activist for NGO Organizations (Lebanon)
  163. Rana Tirro - Assistant Dentist (Lebanon)
  164. Leyal Mruwe - University Lecturer (Lebanon)
  165. Cemile Rammo – Activist (Lebanon)
  166. Fikriye Cetin – Activist (Lebanon)
  167. Rîham Hiço - Spokesperson of the Free Yazidi Women’s Movement. (Sinjar)
  168. Cîhan Cilo - Co-Chair of the Autonomous Administration Council of Sinjar
  169. Rîham Hesen - Co-Chair of the Sinjar Administrative Council. (Sinjar)
  170. Suham Dexîl - Representative of the Relations Coordination of TAJÊ (Free Yazidi Women’s Movement) (Sinjar)
  171. Zozan Ismail - Member of the TAJÊ Diplomacy Team
  172. Emşê Xirmiş - Member of the TAJÊ Diplomacy Team
  173. Neam Bedel - Member of the Coordination of TAJÊ. (Sinjar)
  174. Şemê Remo - Member of the Coordination of TAJÊ. (Sinjar)
  175. Ehram Hisên - Member of the Coordination of TAJÊ. (Sinjar)
  176. Ferîde Sedo - Member of the Coordination of TAJÊ. (Sinjar)
  177. Şemê Miço - Member of the Coordination of TAJÊ (Sinjar)
  178. Ferdos Murad - Representative of the Young Women’s Union of Sinjar
  179. Nazdar Mîrza - Lawyer
  180. Ilham Hesen - Civil Activist
  181. Menîsa Salim - Doctor
  182. Neda Xelef - Member of the Hilat Organization
  183. Xitam Hesen - Member of the DRC Organization
  184. Xalya Xelef - Doctor of Psychology
  185. Meles Elyas - Healthcare Worker
  186. Hayat Dawid - Doctor
  187. Xezal Reşo - Diplomatic Representative of the Autonomous Administration of Şingal
  188. Xalîde Xalid - Teacher
  189. Marsîla Nayif - Journalist
  190. Nisrîn Sedo - Journalist
  191. Besê Sedo - Journalist
  192. Evîn Emîn - Civil Activist in Silêmanî
  193. Elmas Nayif - Official Responsible for Şingal Municipality
  194. Rnya Idao - Journalist
  195. Zîna Xidir - Teacher
  196. Suad Heyder - Teacher
  197. Serher Hisên - Civil Activist for Women’s Rights in Şingal
  198. Şariya Elyas - Lawyer
  200. Deniz Deman - Singer
  201. Beser Şahin - Singer
  202. Gulê Mayera - Singer
  203. Bermal Çem - Singer
  204. Nuarin - Singer
  205. Meral Alkan - Singer
  206. Binevfş Cizîrî - Singer
  207. Narinxan Cizîrî - Singer
  208. Zozan Zudem - Singer
  209. Sosin - Singer
  210. Binevş Roj - Singer
  211. Kewe - Actress
  212. Aslı Filiz - Artist/Graphic Designer
  213. Dr. Latife Akyuz -  Sociologist
  214. Gulgeş Behraspî - Writer
  215. Evin Pepule - Artist
  216. Meral Şimşek - Writer
  217. Yıldız Çakar - Writer
  218. Asya Gezer - Co-Mayor of Dargeçit Municipality
  219. Sultan Yaray - Writer/Amed DTP Co-Chair
  220. Sultan Konuk - Singer
  221. Beyan Eli – Women’s Activist, London
  222. Xendan Ciza – Human Rights Activist, Norway
  223. Behre Weli – Activist, London
  224. Merzi Emin – Social Researcher
  225. Hacer Eli – Official, Norway
  226. Rahil Dizeyi – Activist, Norway
  227. Nazanîn Hesen – Activist, Sweden
  228. Xatuzin Hesen –Sweden
  229. Mijde Hesen – Official Employee, Sweden
  230. Nadye Kurdîn – Women’s Activist, Sweden
  231. Berîvan Resul – Mother, Norway
  232. Gulale Pishderî – Health and Community Activist, Netherlands
  233. Çînûr Salah – Writer, Norway
  234. Tara Mihemed Emin – Artist and Photographer, Norway
  235. Nazik Ahmed – Activist, Britain
  236. Kalê Ahmed – Student, Britain
  237. Pirûşe Qeradaxî – Activist, Norway
  238. Qeşeng Ibrahim – Student, Norway
  239. Nazenîn Emîn – Employee, Norway
  240. Şarî Mayî – Member of KNK, Netherlands
  241. Peyman Hesen – Activist, Sweden
  242. Nadye Salih – Activist, Sweden
  243. Şîne Mohammed – Activist, Norway
  244. Sirûşt Cemal – Activist, Britain
  245. Rehîl Rashid – Activist, Britain
  246. Destan Resûl – Activist, Britain
  247. Sîwa Hesen – Activist, Norway
  248. Nalya Ibrahim – Political Activist, Sweden
  249. Serwa Osman – Education Scholar, Britain
  250. Sîver Omer – Activist, Norway
  251. Aştî Arif – Teacher, Netherlands
  252. Çinûr Omer – Nurse, Netherlands
  253. Mîdye Ebde – Chairwoman of the Women’s Rights Protection Center, Brussels
  254. Dr Nîgar Hesîb Qeradaxî – Theater Artist, Austria
  255. Hevjîn Reşd – Activist, Britain
  256. Hozan Mahmoud – Writer and Feminist, Britain
  257. Fînk Şerîf – Teacher, Britain
  258. Sozen Mame – Poet, Britain
  259. Niyaz Ebdulah – Sculptor, Teacher, and Activist for Women’s and Children’s Rights
  260. Rubar Yûsif - Women’s Activist, Norway
  261. Benaz Salih - Activist, Norway
  262. Necîbe Qeradaxî - Member of the Jineology Academy
  263. Semîra Qeradaxî - Translator, Switzerland
  264. Rêzan Salih - Actress, Norway and Belgium
  265. Cemîle Rehîm - Switzerland
  266. Mijgan Sîyabend - Student, Switzerland
  267. Gulale Piştderî - Health and Community Activist, Netherlands
  268. Nuxşe Fetah Nûrî - Women’s Activist, Norway
  269. Şîlan Mehmûd - Activist, Norway
  270. Şiko Ebdil Rehîm - Norway
  271. Bryan Elî - Women’s Activist, London
  272. Sîham Amoka – Political Activist
  273. Fatima Fewaz Ahmed - Director and Author
  274. Efaf Ferman – Member of the Union of Intellectuals and Poets
  275. Kewser Şerîf Mardînî - Writer
  276. Leyla Yusif Bonig – Teacher
  277. Sekîna Salih Derwîş – Teacher
  278. Stêr Qasim – Member of the Organisation Qayidat Salam
  279. Necûda Selahedîn Fares - Democratic Union Party (PYD) Women’s General Assembly
  280. Derya Remezan - Political and Social Activist
  281. Siham Dawwd – Co-chair of the University Institute for Art in Rojava
  282. Zêyneb Qember – MSD Women’s Office Director in Aleppo
  283. Ebla Xelîl - Social Activist
  284. Meryem Korkmaz – Peace Mother, North Kurdistan and Turkey
  285. Emine Eren – Peace Mother, North Kurdistan and Turkey
  286. Mürvet Demir – Peace Mother, North Kurdistan and Turkey
  287. Behiye Nayır – Peace Mother, North Kurdistan and Turkey
  288. Behiye Yalçın – Peace Mother, North Kurdistan and Turkey
  289. Halime Kaya – Peace Mother, North Kurdistan and Turkey
  290. Tenzile Ağatay – Peace Mother, North Kurdistan and Turkey
  291. Zekiye Kaya – Peace Mother, North Kurdistan and Turkey
  292. Güler Buğday – Peace Mother, North Kurdistan and Turkey
  293. Nurten Ertuğrul – Rights Defender
  294. Aysel Işık – Journalist
  295. Kibriye Evren – Journalist
  296. Diren Yurtsever – Journalist
  297. Rojin Canan Akın – Journalist
  298. Nişmiye Güler – Journalist
  299. Rengin Azizoğlu – Journalist
  300. Pınar Ural – Journalist
  301. Ceylan Akbaşlı – Journalist
  302. Şule Recepoğlu – Lawyer
  303. Nurcan Yalçın – Journalist
  304. Solin Alphan – Journalist
  305. Esra Kahraman – Psychologist
  306. Halime Parlak – Journalist
  307. Roza Metina – Chairwoman of the MGK Association
  308. Eda Bazencir – Advisor
  309. Sevgi Özdinç – Restorer
  310. Zeynep Demir – Lawyer
  311. Meryema Aslan – Teacher
  312. Zeynep Tağtekin – Physiotherapist
  313. Sozdar Ter – Veterinarian
  314. Hatice Şahin – Activist
  315. Şehriban Şeker – Activist
  316. Fatma Sümbül Yetkin – Activist
  317. Esra Okur Kabancı – Homemaker
  318. Leyla Abukan – Accountant
  319. Serap Güvenç – Women’s Activist
  320. Berivan Saruhan – Kurdologist
  321. Neslihan Çoban – Activist
  322. Sevnur Çoban – Archaeologist
  323. Ayşe Oturmak – Sociologist
  324. Zilan Yıldırım – Healthcare Worker
  325. Pakize Yıldırım – Homemaker
  326. Emel Yıldırım – Homemaker
  327. Zerife Yıldırım – Homemaker
  328. Semanur Çoban – Student
  329. İkra Çoban – Student
  330. Hasret Yıldırım – Student
  331. Berfin Polat Atuğ – Lawyer
  332. Süzen İşbilen – Retired Teacher
  333. Esra Çiçek Mercan – Mining Engineer
  334. Hatice Yakışır – Child Development Specialist
  335. Filiz Kaydu – Trainer
  336. Nurşen Kendal – Teacher
  337. Newroz Ünverdi – Student
  338. Helin Onuk – Psychologist
  339. Umut Deniz – Sociologist
  340. Esra Kılıç – Lawyer
  341. Şükran Demir – Teacher
  342. Meral Taş – Chef
  343. Dilek Başalan – Social Services Worker
  344. Fatma Nur Çete – Activist
  345. Derya Moray – Teacher
  346. Nasrat Bahaştî – Teacher of Home Education
  347. Perperok Feyzî – Teacher
  348. Anahita Haghyari – Teacher
  349. Frîşta Ehmedî – Ecologist
  350. Sargol Moradî – Ecologist
  351. Serwa Yar Ehmedî – Women’s Activist
  352. Leyla Xezrî – Activist for Orphans
  353. Mahwaş Şaweysî – Teacher
  354. Parastoo Kakeyî – Ecologist
  355. Soraya Zareyî – Activist
  356. Nesrîn Daulatabadî – Ecologist
  357. Ferîba Xedrî – Activist
  358. Tooba Babaei – Women’s Rights Activist
  359. Şanaz Mazujî – Activist
  360. Nerges Mihemedî – Teacher
  361. Ronak Zandî – Ecologist
  362. Safia Yarmohammadi – Ecologist
  363. Roya Salavatî – Writer
  364. Rafaat Wakili – Women’s Rights Activist
  365. Tanya Qadmatî – University Student
  366. Fatima Şaswarî – Activist
  367. Şîrîn Ensarî – Teacher
  368. Sîma Galadarî – Activist
  369. Soma Fathi – University Student
  370. Akram Ghobadi – Ecologist
  371. Nûşîn Tavakolî – University Student
  372. Nahiya Cebarî – Activist
  373. Eqdas Moradî – Human Rights Activist
  374. Şino Mîranî – Activist
  375. Ronak Tahmasbî – Teacher
  376. Bêrîvan Şaho – Journalist
  377. Bassî Şemerî – Member of the Leadership of the Democratic Multi-Ethnic Women’s Platform
  378. Kanî Karampûr – Journalist and Political Activist
  379. Golrokh Ghobadî – Writer and Women’s Rights Activist
  380. Şehla Mihemedî – Journalist
  381. Bayan Moradî – Civil Activist
  382. Mîtra Derwîşiyan – Activist
  383. Efser Azizian – Activist
  384. Şahîn Darabî – Activist
  385. Frîşta Ferhadîfer – Activist
  386. Monîra Baledî – Activist
  387. Susan Ates – Activist
  388. Parvin Poorbarader – Activist
  389. Nahîd Rezayî – Activist
  390. Ferah Ferhadîfer – Activist
  391. Jiran Rostemî – Activist
  392. Yegana Ferşad – Activist
  393. Diba Keskin – Politician
  394. Müşerref Geçer – Politician
  395. Gülcihan Şimşek – Politician
  396. Rûbar Yusf – Women’s Activist - Norway
  397. Benaz Salih – Activist - Norway
  398. Necîbe Qeredaxî – Member of the Jineology Academy - Belgium
  399. Semîre Qeredaxî – Translator - Switzerland
  400. Rêzan Sallih – Theater Director and Cultural Worker - Norway and Belgium
  401. Cemîle Sehîm – Switzerland
  402. Mîjgan Siyaband – Student - Switzerland
  403. Gullalle Pişderî – Health and Community Activist - Netherlands
  404. Nuxşe Fetah Nûrî – Women’s Rights Activist - Norway
  405. Şîlan Muhemed – Activist - Norway
  406. Şako Abdalkrîm – Norway
  407. Beyan Elî – Women’s Activist - London
  408. Xendan Ciza – Human Rights Activist - Norway
  409. Behre Welî – Activist - London
  410. Erizî Emîn – Community Worker - Sweden
  411. Hacer Alî – Employee - Norway
  412. Rehêl Dzeyî – Activist - Norway
  413. Nazenîn Hesen – Activist - Sweden
  414. Xatuzîn Hesen – Homeworker - Sweden
  415. Mijde Hesen – Official Employee - Sweden
  416. Nadiye Kurdîn – Women’s Rights Activist - Sweden
  417. Bêrîvan Resul – Mother - Norway
  418. Gullalle Pişderî – Health and Community Activist - Netherlands
  419. Çînûr Salah – Writer - Norway
  420. Tara Mehemed Emîn – Artist and Designer - Norway
  421. Nazik Ehmed – Britain
  422. Kalê Ehmed – Student - Britain
  423. Pirûşe Qeredaxî – Student - Norway
  424. Qeşeng Îbrahîm – Student - Norway
  425. Nazenîn Emîn – Employee - Norway
  426. Şarî Mayî – Member of KNK - Netherlands
  427. Peyman Hesen – Activist - Sweden
  428. Nadiye Salih – Activist - Sweden
  429. Şîne Mehemed – Activist - Norway
  430. Sirûşt Cemal – Activist - Germany
  431. Rehêl Reşîd – Britain
  432. Destan Resul – Activist - Britain
  433. Sêvê Hesen – Norway
  434. Naliya Îbrahîm – Political Activist - Sweden
  435. Serwa Osman – Expert in Education - Britain
  436. Sîver Umer – Activist - Norway
  437. Aştî ’Arif – Teacher - Netherlands
  438. Çînûr Umer – Health Worker - Netherlands
  439. Mîdya Ebide – Head of the Women’s Rights Protection Center - Brussels
  440. Dr. Nîgar Hesîb Qeredaxî – Theater Director - Austria
  441. Hevjîn Reşîd – Activist - Britain
  442. Hozan Mehmûd – Writer and Feminist - Britain
  443. Fênîk Şerîf – Teacher - Britain
  444. Sozan Mame – Poet - Britain
  445. Niyaz Ebdullah – Sculptor, Teacher, and Activist for Women’s and Children’s Rights - Sweden
  446. Xerîbe Ebdullah – Artist - Britain
  447. Kalê Arat – Designer and Therapist - Germany
  448. Kejal Nûrî – Poet and Writer - Netherlands
  449. Razaû Seîd – Activist - Sweden
  450. Roşna Heme Salih – Education Teacher - Berlin
  451. Semîre Fetûllah – Health Worker - Finland
  452. Beyan Ehmed – Theater Director and Poet - South Kurdistan
  453. Naz Salih – Actor and Director - Canada
  454. Ronak Şiwanî – Writer and Translator - Sweden
  455. Bêrîvan Doskî – Diplomat - South Kurdistan
  456. Ciwan Bekir Merûf – Writer and Journalist
  457. Mihabad Salih – Poet - Sweden
  458. Edîbe Salih – Teacher - Sulaymaniyah
  459. Sozan Abulrehîm Abdulah – Human Rights Activist
  460. Soma Mamend Ali – Political Activist
  461. Kajal Adulkerîm Mamed – Civil Activist
  462. Adîbe Ahemd Teha – Teacher
  463. Ruken Mhmûd Ahmd – University Graduate - Sulaymaniyah
  464. Naz Îsma’îl Kerîm – University Lecturer - Sulaymaniyah
  465. Naliya Îbrahîm – Political Activist - Sweden
  466. Sêvî Nhêlî – Activist/Peace Advocate and Employee - Sweden
  467. Leniya Hêmin Elî – Student - Sweden
  468. Erxewan Rsul – Poet, Writer, and Translator - Sulaymaniyah
  469. Sara Qadr Mhemed – University Lecturer and Journalist - Sulaymaniyah, South Kurdistan
  470. Ronak Mecîd Fetah – Teacher - Sulaymaniyah (Raperîn)
  471. Kwtr Qadr Resul – Head of the National Union of Women - Sulaymaniyah
  472. Şehla Mehmûd Ehmed – Women’s Rights Activist - Sulaymaniyah
  473. Şîrîn Mirad – Head of the Kurdish American Association - United States
  474. Xîriye Muhemed Nadr – Britain
  475. Bêxall Sabr Hme’amîn Azîz – Member of the Leadership Council and Head of Internal Relations of the National Union - Sulaymaniyah
  476. Lence Xurşîd – Media Officer - Germany
  477. Suhad Ebdulla – Teacher - Sweden
  478. Dr. Nîgar Hesîb Qeredaxî – Theater Director - Austria
  479. Gezîze Umer Elî – Writer, Director, and Theater and Drama Actress - South Kurdistan
  480. Xerman Hîranî – Theater and Drama Actor - South Kurdistan
  481. Telar Hîranî – Theater and Drama Actor - South Kurdistan
  482. Ferîde Ehmed – Theater and Drama Actor - Canada
  483. Beyan Ehmed – Theater Director and Poet - South Kurdistan
  484. Nesrîn Hesen Hemesallh – Theater and Drama Actor - South Kurdistan
  485. Naz Salih – Actor and Director - Canada
  486. Hana Enwer – Lecturer at the Institute of Arts for Youth - South Kurdistan
  487. Ronak Şiwanî – Writer and Translator - Sweden
  488. Erxewan Rsul – Poet, Writer, and Translator - Sulaymaniyah
  489. Sara Qadr Mhemed – University Lecturer and Journalist - Sulaymaniyah, South Kurdistan
  490. Stare Marf – Political Activist - South Kurdistan
  491. Roza Şêxanî – Filmmaker - South Kurdistan
  492. Bêgerd Ehmed – Filmmaker and Theater Director - Netherlands
  493. Şko ’Umer Kakerreş – Male Theater Actor - Kirkuk, South Kurdistan
  494. Awara Kurdî – Artist, Activist, and Healthcare Worker - South Kurdistan
  495. Şukriye Salih Hisên – Homeworker - Sulaymaniyah
  496. Evîn Hêrş – Activist - Scotland
  497. Perva İnal – Democratic Islam Congress
  498. Sebahat Genç – Lawyer
  499. Şükran Aktaş – Human Rights Activist

* ИГИЛ — террористическая организация, запрещённая в РФ.